Sunday, June 7, 2009


利用平时办公的午餐时间,去寻找美食 :P 叶全肉骨茶(干)-蒲种分行 干肉骨茶,爆香的排骨,用干辣椒及羊角豆。 药材味香浓的肉骨茶汤 蒲种釀豆腐,即选料,即釀,即炸上桌。


昨夜跟随家人到Fork & Spoon(位于Kota Damansara) 享用娘惹美食,有道地的咖哩鱼头,酱油鸡,瓦煲海鲜豆腐,及泰国式的青咖哩牛肉。由于天气热的关系,可点了一客的ABC。最爱的还是咖哩鱼头,酸辣到很开胃。:>
重点是它的咖哩鱼头。。 天气热的时候,就想到清凉的ABC

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Jalan jalan at Sekinchan

If you are going to Sekinchan, you shouldn't miss out these food! Especially the seafood is cheap there. Didn't know that people in Sekinchan are having heavy breakfast meal like this, haha..
Monster fish & Lala~
Some nice dishes, shark meat soup, fried egg with bittergout, claypot tohu, prawn
Fried Sotong, Big Prawn~ You can also find paddy fields and dragon fruit around the town
Don't forget to go The Harbour Cafe for a nice tea time. You can have monkey banana drink.


明天就是 中秋节 了😄!在两个星期前,我预备了一些食材和模具准备做不同口味的菜燕月饼。在我的菜单里要准备的是: 蛋黄 蛋黄则用橙汁和胡萝卜榨成汁,大概100毫升,加入200毫升的水,煮热。再用一茶匙的蒟蒻粉和一茶匙的菜燕粉混合,再加入微温的橙汁萝卜水中,用手拿混合器慢慢搅拌。当...